I really like the way you have tailored your resource to focus on a very specific subject so students are learning a lot about one thing rather than a variety of facts relating to an umbrella of diseases that are similar. It makes it easier for them to really consolidate what they are learning as it relates to one subject. I like how you have designated specific assessments for each learning outcome, however I would suggest rewording the outcomes to reflect definitively what a student is able to do by the end of the lesson in student-centered language, i.e. By the end of this lesson/unit I can, Define what Parkinson’s disease is and I can identify the motor and non-motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. 

I like how the components of your resource are, but I wonder what the progression through your resource looks like. Does the teacher first give an introduction, then an educational video, then an activity/assessment? Or is it in some other order?

For the assessments, I like that you have made it as easily do-able for students as possible. It would be nice to see an example of one of the google forms quiz, or a bank of subjects that students might focus their discussion post on. 

In all, I really like the subject and plan for teaching and am excited to see the final product. Great work!

Here is a link to their draft resource: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1IYVboXpjw0kQbcenJHI5QhFb_wCI6qwQm399TqB-xYY/mobilebasic?urp=gmail_link