After reading An Example of Metaphorical Thinking in Metaphors of Ed Tech by Martin Weller (2022), the first metaphor to come to mind was that saying “don’t put all your eggs in one basket”. This metaphor connected with something else I had heard in a podcast last week called Ep. 44: The Social Studies Struggle (Youtube, 2023) in the series Teach QuitTalk by “Mrs. Frazzled and Mrs. Redacted”. In this podcast they talked about Social Studies curriculum and learning being dismissed as literacy and math were being emphasized. 

To me, this metaphor not only speaks to a teacher’s struggle to teach everything in the curriculum, but also to a student’s ability to develop passions in every subject. The image I created is quite simple just showing an equal amount of eggs in each subject’s basket, but instead of just telling teachers to teach everything equally, I hope for it to speak to keeping student’s mind open to everything. We all remember thinking and feeling as if we hate some subjects more than others, and although they might be valid and we just prefer one subject over another, they may also be connected to this issue of not teaching the subjects equally.

I chose this activity because I am a big fan of metaphors. I use them all the time when teaching and coaching because it brings in that aspect of personal experience and prior knowledge for students. By bringing those two factors in, you make the material ten times more understandable for students because they now have some way to relate to the new material.